The Surprise Summer Page-Turner

Don't Leave it To The Priests by Peter Yaremko

In this final column of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which ends today, the message is to the point. Our call—as individuals—is nothing less than to spread the news of God’s mercy. It was Vatican Council…

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Better Than Life? by Peter Yaremko

  Psalm 63 was composed more than 3,000 years ago. But it presents us with an idea that’s radical even today: “Your mercy is better than life itself.” Better than life?  Such unquestioning trust…

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How to put Mercy into Practice by Peter Yaremko

  The Jubilee Year of Mercy will end next Sunday. So what do we do now? We put into practice all the insights and graces we have gained during the past twelve months. It is Saint Paul himself, in his…

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Eyes of Mercy by Peter Yaremko

  We’ve all heard the story. Jesus sees a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office and says to him, “Follow me.” But do we really buy it?  In the time of Jesus, tax collectors were despised.…

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They Laughed at Jesus by Peter Yaremko

  Luke was not only an evangelist, but also an excellent journalist. In his account of how Jesus restored life to Jairus’ daughter, Luke included the reaction of the crowd, laughing at Jesus before…

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