A Father's First Duty by Peter Yaremko
Posted on: September 7th, 2016
A father's first duty is to protect his children. That goes for not only earthly Dads, but for the Heavenly Father as well. His embrace encompasses even those further from him.
This is why words we hear most often in Scripture are, "Do not be afraid." Many wonder why a loving God of Mercy puts up with evil, why bad things happen to good people while the sinful often seem to prevail. The world is what it is because God has created us fully free.
A Carmelite writer describes God's mercy this Way:
"It is like a declaration of love from God to humanity. to each one of us; it is a pledge of fidelity that is relayed from hand to hand, from heart to heart, and finally comes down to us,"
We, too, have to pay attention to these words. After all, Jesus was not one to talk for the sake of hearing himself.
Through the ages, God's message to Dads remains: "Keep the mandate of the LORD, your God, following his ways and observing His statues, commands, ordinances and decrees as they are written in the Law of Moses, that you may succeed in whatever you do, wherever you turn. [1 Kings2:2-3]
Our prayer today: Heavenly Father, your mercy flows from age to age like a river through time. Bless our earthly fathers as we celebrate them on this, their day.
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